Tuesday, July 08, 2008

New Zealand

Back to civilization!! We LOVED Tonga but excited for a nice shower without worms/bugs in it, a/c, nice and healthy food, (the kind with preservatives in it :>) etc. NEW ZEALAND has got to be the cleanest and greenest place on earth. It was fall there (opposite our seasons) so it was cool weather for us and lots of rain. The greatest part about N.Z was we got to be there with my parents, Shane's parents and Aunt & Uncle.

Here we are picking up our new home for 7 days. Let's just say this was by far the best way to see everything we wanted to see, but a bit too cramped with rainy weather conditions.

Waitomo Caves, where we took our tour of caves with glo-worms in them.

One warm day the boys were able to surf.


Shane did great driving. Not only did he have to get used to driving on the right, he had to do it in a motorhome that was stick shift therefore using his left hand to shift! It made for lots of laughs and only twice did we have to tell him to get on the right side of the road!


Marla said...

I love seeing pictures of your family...and that little girl of yours...she's a mini-Juli! Looks like such a great trip!

Andersen Fan Club said...

i didn't know shane was so talented Juli, it must be his awesome wife!! You guys are nuts, that trip sounds like it was amazing!