I took Hunter to get his new school shoes and he is now shopping in the men's sizes! How sad is that?! Where is the time going??? Seriously, I have vivid memories of 4th grade! This can't be happening........ my babies are growing so fast.
Don't they look excited? Like father like son. I couldn't get Hunter to stand in front of his new classroom for a picture, (too many friends watching) so we opted for a picture with dad instead. Does this mean next year i can't even walk him to class on the first day?
Of course i could get Shaylee to pose. She didn't get the teacher she had hoped for, was a little nervous about the change and even started to cry a little bit when it was time to say good bye.................
Their are a few things I am NOT so excited about now that school is back in session: a 1:00 pick up from pre-school, a 2:10 pick up @ the elementary and then a 2:40 pick up!
Not to mention, when is Houston supposed to nap? Car pool anyone?!?!?!?!
Wow...your kids are soooo OLD!!! I'm not saying that to depress you but it's been 4 years since I've seen them. I just can't believe how fast time has gone. It's so good to see you guys...Don't you love this blog stuff?!!!
Great pictures! I got so lucky in the schedule department...one drop off at 8:30am and one pick-up at 2:35pm. Jenna has all day Kindergarten & so both girls get done at the same time! soooo glad! I'll probably still have to pull Holly out of bed some days, but at least I'm only in the car twice!
Hooray for school starting! Your kids looks so darling and excited (and you look pretty cute too Juli--I just ordered that shirt you have on, so now I know it looks good on, thanks!). Good luck with that carpool . . .
I'll Car Pool!!!! I love these pictures and why do I feel reminiscent of their lives too? I love them like my own and time really does go too quickly when you don't want it, and not fast enough when you do. I miss you all and love you.
This is actually Cassaundra...Okay this is so crazy and sad that they are so old. I was getting a little jealous of the moms that got to do back to school shopping with their little ones...That was always my favorite, even the new box of crayons got me all excited.
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