I took Hunter to get his new school shoes and he is now shopping in the men's sizes! How sad is that?! Where is the time going??? Seriously, I have vivid memories of 4th grade! This can't be happening........ my babies are growing so fast.
Don't they look excited? Like father like son. I couldn't get Hunter to stand in front of his new classroom for a picture, (too many friends watching) so we opted for a picture with dad instead. Does this mean next year i can't even walk him to class on the first day?
Of course i could get Shaylee to pose. She didn't get the teacher she had hoped for, was a little nervous about the change and even started to cry a little bit when it was time to say good bye.................
Their are a few things I am NOT so excited about now that school is back in session: a 1:00 pick up from pre-school, a 2:10 pick up @ the elementary and then a 2:40 pick up!
Not to mention, when is Houston supposed to nap? Car pool anyone?!?!?!?!